
Pond Updates

Turtle eggs found!


The pond was dug in the fall of 2021 with alterations happening later on. It is home to 2 turtles and a large amount of frogs and water bugs. The beach was added on in 2023. 

The Building Process

The pond started with us renting an excavator. Andy went to work for weeks digging the area out. In some stages of development the pond filled part way with water. When the pond was finally dug out and full of water, it was gross. The rain that filled it also made the soil mix with the water and turn it muddy. Algae grew and made the pond smell. The next year everything cleared right up. The pond is now much clearer and the algae has settled and made a great environment for tadpoles and frogs and turtles too! 


Our pond is the home to turtles! Yurtle was found by our neighbors and placed in the pond at the start of June. Murtle is a mystery, she was spotted sliding into the pond right after laying her eggs in an uncovered hole. We believe she is a snapping turtle that lives at the bottom of the pond. 


Here are some photos of creatures living in and around the pond. 


Turtle Eggs

Charlie with pond

Very dry pond