Our chicken journey started in 2020 when the first batch was brought home. We have since have homed many more chickens. Below are our most interesting chickens and some chicken facts.
The first and longest living chicken in the flock. She was 3 and a half years old. She has now passed as of late 2023.
We currently have two roosters living peacefully together. Turkey and Chip and guarding the flock from our latest enemies: Weasels.
Mama Mia
The most broody hen in our flock. She successfully coparented with another broody hen to raise adopted chicks. Since then she has tried to raise fertile eggs twice. The first round was unsuccessful while the second brought about 5 chicks who have grown into lovely chickens.
2024 Clutch #2
We adopted a large flock of chicks in early summer of 2024. Over 20 joined our chicken ranks and are now grown and have started laying! Of that batch, 4 were roosters. We currently have 2 roosters guarding the flock.
Chicken Facts
Our chicken produce EGGS! They are not feed anything artificial and are free range. The photo on the right shows the coop in winter. The chickens produce enough body heat to heat each other and the entire area up. Located in the coop are also lights to regulate egg laying and water heaters. Fun Fact: Chickens will stop laying eggs for periods of time to preserve energy. These times can be when the amount of daylight is scarce and varying other reasons.
Chicken Picture Wall
Young Clutch
Muffin and Genert
Muffin, Baby, and friends
Enjoying the fallow greenhouse